Image: Space Vocabulary book, by jimmie |
Before teaching children new vocabulary, it is essential to carefully select the word or words within a particular word group that you want to teach. Here are some things to bear in mind when choosing new vocabulary:
- Remember that there are both active and passive vocabulary. Active vocabulary is what the children both understand and use; passive vocabulary is what they understand but are not able, or are required, to use. Obviously most of the words you use in class will only be passive vocabulary for young children.
- Choose vocabulary that is relevant to your pupils' age, lives and interests. E.g., nationality or telling the time has no meaning for a four-year-old.
- Keep your expectations realistic. Have a basic group of words that you want to teach the whole class, the number of which will depend on their age group. You can teach some extra words to the quicker pupils and the slower ones may absorb them passively, but do not expect the slower ones to use them actively.
- See if there are any words that resemble L1 ('football' is an easy word for most children).
- Think of what they already know which might be easy to build on. E.g., if they know 'flower' and 'toy' it is easy to teach them 'flower shop' and 'toy shop' when they are learning names of shops.
- You can expect your pupils to find some word groups more difficult to learn than others, for a number of reasons: a) if a word group consists mainly of words of an origin that is unfamiliar to your pupils (e.g., English words of Anglo-Saxon origin are unfamiliar to speakers of Romance languages), then these will be hard to learn; b) words that are difficult to pronounce, or are long, can also be problematic; c) food is usually an easy topic (e.g., salad, hamburger, spaghetti) while clothes are quite difficult, with lots of words that sound similar (e.g. shirt, skirt, shorts).
- When playing a game with the whole class, take care to choose the right level of vocabulary for each pupil: challenge a quicker pupil with a difficult word and encourage a slower pupil with an easy one.
Once these tips have been explained, let us now analyse how to teach difficult words. Before teaching a number of new words, check to see which ones will present the most difficulty. Here are some ideas to help you teach them more easily:
- Get the children to clap on the stressed syllable(s) of a word as they say it.
- Put the word in a rhythmic or rhyming sentence. E.g., I eat meat; Rice is nice!; I fly through the sky!
- Separate the word into syllables as you say it, getting the children to follow the sound curve in the air with their fingers.
- Teach words that rhyme, together. E.g., nose and toes.
- Get your pupils to visualise a picture from rhyming words. E.g., a spoon in the moon.
- Get the children to repeat a word after you in different ways. E.g., in a deep voice or a little, squeaky voice, in a whisper or a shout, slowly or quickly, etc.
Now, some suggestions for how to teach vocabulary in ways that will make it easily understandable to young children, and that will be enjoyable at the same time: pictures, murals, crafts, sequences and stories.
In relation to pictures, they are an obious, simple and easy way to teach vocabulary. If they are attractive, children will love them. So look out for good pictures all the time, especially in magazines, and keep them for future use. Some recommendations to miximise the use of pictures are the following:
- Make sure the pictures are simple, clear and can be seen from the back of the class.
- Stick your pictures on coloured card and cover them with transparent adhesive plastic to protect them.
- Choose a different colour for each lexical set. This will help you identify them quickly and the children will also learn to identify lexical sets.
- Write the name of the object in a corner, on the back of the card, so you can show the picture to the class and know what you are showing.
- Enlarge a photocopy to make a poster and use it to teach vocabulary. You can divide a sheet of paper into four and have each part enlarged to A3 size. Tape the sheets together and you will have a good poster. Get active children or those who finish their work quickly to colour it for you.
- Later, give each pupil the same photocopy in its normal size. They can colour it, while you go around checking what they know. Use it as an end-of-unit task or for recording pupils' progress.
- It is a good idea to have two pictures or posters which show the same subject but which are slightly different. Use the first poster to teach the vocabulary and structures. Then use the second one to see if your pupils can use the new language without the visual prompts or reminders of the first poster. This is a good way to find out how much your pupils have assimilated, and is another useful exercise for testing.
- When your pupils are older, use pictures to gradually teach them how to build a paragraph. When they see a picture, children usually start by commenting on the first detail that catches their eye. E.g., about a picture of a park, they will say 'The flower is red'. Try and teach them to begin by saying what the picture is (It's a park), and then to talk about bigger things before going into detail. Get them to finish by saying something general about the picture (I like the park/the picture). This sequencing of ideas can be taught by asking questions, e.g., What's this?; What is the most important thing in the picture?; Do you like the...?
As far as murals are concerned, they are excellent teaching materials, especially if the children make them themselves. Making a mural with your pupils is a very complete lesson, though you will need more than one lesson to finish it. Once finished, a mural decorates the class and is good teaching material.
As regards crafts, these are generally very interesting for students, since authentic activities involve children active participation. Older childrenwho are learning to write can keep a simple diary of their activities, with two or three lines of description and a drawing of the activity.
A fun and easy craft is making a potato man (or animal). These are the materials needed: one potato per child, toothpicks for the arms and legs, wool for the hair (have two or three different colours), felt tip pens for drawing the face, scissors, and for older children, some card for making hands, shoes, etc. and some tape to fasten these to the toothpicks.
The basic procedure for this activity is the following: revise the names for parts of the body and teach the words you are going to need for the craft; demonstrate and explain in English how to make the potato man and keep the wool, extra toothpicks, tape and card on your table so the children have to come and ask you for them in English; give out the potatoes. Each child asks 'Can I have a potato, please?'. Give each child only two or three toothpicks so they have to come and ask for more. They stick the toothpicks into the potato, some for his arms and legs, and some on his head. They can wind the wool round the sticks to look like hair. They draw his face.
As an extension activity, students can draw a picture of their potato man and while they are drawing, you can go around the class and get them to describe their man to you. If any adaptation is required for older children, you may ask the children to write a line or two and/or invent a little dialogue in pairs, using their potato men (e.g., Hello!; How are you?; What's your name?; Do you like sweets?; etc.).